Supporters and Partners

We are grateful for the many individuals and institutions that are providing funding, logistical, data and in-kind support to the Turtle Awareness and Protection Studies. We will soon be placing more logos of our supporters here, so check back in the near future as the site is updated.

Supporters Include:

The Reef House Resort

SeeTurtles Billion Baby Turtle Program (for Jamaica)



Proyecto Manejo Ambientales
de Isla de Bahia (PMAIB)

Honduran National Chamber of Tourism (CANATURH)

Long Beach TTCS

Long Beach Turtle and Tortoise Care Society

Blauers Art





Super Supporters:


Splash Inn

Splash Inn Dive
Resorts and Villas

Oranamental Aquatic Animals and Aquatic Animals for Conservation Research Unit

Chulalongkorn University

CTTC IE ChapterCalifornia Turtle and Tortoise Club Inland Empire Chapter
California Turtle and Tortoise Club    


Data Collectors
Bottles 2 Buildings
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Interns and Volunteers
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